Sunday, July 3, 2011

Love yourself!

We all live in a society, with people. However, the same society only believes in bringing us down. If we think about it, how many times has this society really inspired us, made us feel great about ourselves, or given us that much needed motivation and support to do something great with our lives? Whenever we have decided on anything, we've only come across hurdles. One brave decision from your end and you see a stream of neighbors, relatives and acquaintances judging you and making life really blissful! Filmy, but true. World is a cruel place. Therefore, it really strikes a chord with me when Barney Stinson says: "When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead."

One must learn how to appreciate, respect and love oneself. Love that person you are. Be in charge       of your emotions. Pamper your mind and heart. It's okay, we all go through trials and tribulations of life. But don't kill yourself for them. Phases come and go, people come and go, you win some, you lose some. The least you can do is be nice to yourself. It's a difficult task to be in control of your thoughts and emotions, but those who have learned it, will know, how special a gift it has been for them. 

Doesn't mean you should restrict yourself. If happy, dance...if sad, cry! But there has to be an extent to which you should put your mind and soul through negativity. Take your time to get over the severe blows that life gives you, but keep trying to come out of them. Only you can take care of yourself, no will else is going to do that for you. Your friends, family and life partner will be there, but how much can you depend on others for feeling right? Too much dependability only makes you weaker. Cherish those relationships you have, they are God's gifts. But learn to live without them too. Learn to be happy with yourself and keep trying to make yourself better and stronger. This world likes to be with the confident and self made ones.

And anyway, how much of load are you willing to dump on your mind? After all, out of those people you cherish right now, only 15 percent will live up to your expectations. The remaining 85 percent are going to break your heart, betray you, or leave you unsettled. Are you ready for that? You do that math! :)


Shashank Saxena said...

48% statistics are made on the spot... he he he,,
It's true inspiration dear,, keep dosing please,,
"I" is second love ur blogs are first ;)..


by the way expectations are just a thing which is created in your own mind, and not in others, so setting up expectations and their levels is your math !! ;)

Suruchi Sharma said...

@Shanky: True abt the stats part! :P And thanks a lot..:)

@Ankit: I guess that's what the post was about, lowered or no expectations...Rather raising the stakes of expectations out of oneself...Wasn't it?

Krishnamurthi Kumar said...

You did it again... you again wrote a blog as if you were directly talking to me...

Keep writing... just keep writing..