Monday, January 4, 2010

Love etc.

As I live my life, soaking up to your endless love for me,

I realize being in love is not at all like what I have heard, or seen..

And then I close my eyes, I see your face, and I smile as the simple truth dawns upon me..

This is one feeling perhaps no words could ever explain!
In this world of Yash Raj's and Karan Johars it's difficult not the have fixed notions about this concept called: 'Falling in love'. I myself have been a victim of all those romantic mental blocks and preconceived thought processes regarding what should love be like. Damn! For all I know, I would like to sue those directors forming such opinions about this feeling for depriving people of coming close to the real feeling!
And no...being in love is not at all about niceties, looking at each other for hours, watching the sunset together, or rather in today's world, uploading ultra romantic status messages on portals (Obviously copied and pasted from those endless number of sites offering the ultimate verbosity and shortcuts for displaying your emotions!) and of course uploading photographs of yourself with your companion so that the world finally knows you have someone in your life!
Not exaggerating, I have come across such terminally bugging cases too many times lately not to feel this generic tendency that love is all about shouting at the top of your voice only so that every one and anyone knows about your status!
For me, love has been silent. Love in my life came when I was least expecting it. I was going through a heart break. And didn't believe if love really means something. For all I cared I wanted to get back at that one guy I thought I "loved" and smash his face into pulp when I see him. Obviously, it couldn't be love.
Love happened when I was so not waiting for Mr. Right to come along! I never realized when he did! One fine day, I just woke up and it struck me that there is someone I have been caring about 24*7 without knowing for a very long time now and that he has been silently there for me wherever and however I was. It was a feeling where I just wanted him to know he is special and the way I felt for him. Without giving it a second thought, I told him.
And my life has been beautiful since then. 65 percent of people in my life still don't know about his existence. And amongst those who know about it, I wonder if anyone knows what we are really like when we are together. But then again, going by current standards of measuring your level of love in terms of niceties exchanged on facebook and otherwise, I better not try and tell them what he is for me. :)
When I think of him, I don't feel any rush of emotions. I don't blush or smile or get lost in his thoughts for hours. I am myself! But then his thoughts bring this warmth along with them that envelopes my mind and soul. Give me the toughest of times and I can sail through just because I know at the end of the day the one who matters the most is still with me! His thoughts give me strength and a strange feeling of belonging to him. Honestly, the way I feel around him is the way I feel when I am with my family. Warm, protected and blissfully happy.
In my quest for knowing what 'Love' is all about, I realized, you really stop caring when something this pure strikes you. You don't want to know, categorize or benchmark it anymore. It's there. For you to feel! When 'Love' obliges you, you simply feel at peace.
As I bask in this feeling today, I can't stop thanking God and I can't stop smiling.


ms.shwetalal said...

Lovely piece of writing! Straight from the heart of a sensible and simple girl :)

SAMEER said...

Beautiful wrtten buddy... u knw wat every week i think... finally i got my love bt before weekend i she is nt the ryt gal...

Shashank Saxena said...

Touching-- lovely SU..

Suruchi Sharma said...

Thanks Shanky...I never expected you to read this one! :)

Thanks Shweta and Sam for the compliments. :)